is an independent website project of and is not affiliated with any other group, entity, or association.'s sole purpose is to provide employees with the knowledge and tools to remove unwanted unions from their workplace.

As a free website for employees, we are not sponsored, funded, or otherwise paid for by any business, grouping of businesses or trade association.

The information provided through this website is for general information only. 

Donation Policy

No information on this website should be contrued, nor is it intended in any way to establish an "agency" status for any employee or employer, nor should it be considered advice for any employee (or group of employees) with regard to how an employee (or group of employees) should exercise his or her (or their) Section Seven Rights under the National Labor Relations Act.

In so keeping with this intention, we cannot accept any payment from employers.  

In the unlikely event a donation is made by an employer, it will be returned.

We can, however, accept contributions from individuals as private citizens.

We appreciate your understanding in this regard and we do appreciate donations to help maintain this website.

If you would like to donate, you can below, or please visit our donate page here.

About Us

Giving Employees the Tools to Achive Workplace Freedom from Unwanted Unions